Police Academy FAQ’s


Municipal Police Officers in the State of New Jersey are hired by Municipal Police Agencies which are either Title 11A: Civil Service or Title 40A: Non-Civil Service communities. If the jurisdiction in which you reside in is a Title 11A: civil service community you must take a civil service exam. 公务员考试通常每两年举行一次. 这些市政警察机构将从既定的公务员名单中招聘申请人.

欲了解更多信息,请联系新泽西州公务员委员会或访问其网站: www.state.nj.us/csc 查询下一次公务员考试的日期. If the jurisdiction is a non- civil service Title 40A: municipal police agencies please contact those agencies to see when they will be offering their next hiring examination which is usually established by their approved Chief’s written test examination.

In the State of New Jersey the age requirements are that you must be at least 18 and no more than 35 years of age at the time of your appoint. 对于先前的军事和执法人员的年龄要求有一些例外. These questions can be addressed when you apply through the civil service or chief’s examination process.


The Police Academy which is approved by the New Jersey Police Training Commission is designed specifically for newly appointed police officers and Correction Officers to prepare them for their law enforcement career. It includes several prescribed courses of study that a police officer or correction officer must complete to graduate from the police academy which could be academically challenging to some people.

The police academy has an intensive regimented physical training component that requires recruits to exercise most days of the academy and has a mandatory PTC physical fitness standards test that must be passed by the recruit. During the course of the police academy recruits are exposed to stressful life and death simulated situations that they may encounter during their career which will require quick assessments of situations and sound decision making.

Recruits will take many written and practical examinations to show their proficiency in subjects such as criminal and motor vehicle law, firearms, emergency vehicle operations, first aid, 以及逮捕、搜查和扣押.


为了有资格进入卡姆登县大学警察学院替代路线计划, candidates must: Be at least 18 years of age and not over 35 at the completion of the program (for municipal police officers). 他们必须完成60个大学学分或2年的现役. 必须提供你的DD214表格副本作为兵役证明. 他们必须是美国公民. They must be a resident of the State of New Jersey and must be of good moral character and not convicted of any criminal offense. They must be able to read, 英语写得好,说得聪明,身体健康, 身体状况良好,能参加严格的体能训练. 他们必须持有有效的、不受限制的新泽西驾驶执照,并且必须有医疗保险. 请提供您的保险卡复印件作为保险范围的证明.

The criteria used to select candidates for entrance into the Camden County College 警察学院备用路线 Program are: Pass the Written Test (minimum score of 70%). 要继续这个过程,你必须得到80%的分数. Top 30 scores go to PAT. 通过体能测试. Must pass all (5) PAT Events. Pass the Oral Interview. Pass a Medical Examination. 通过心理评估. 通过药物筛选和背景调查. Disclaimer: The CCCPA Alternate Route Program written test is the only recognized and accepted written test for the CCCPA Alternate Route Program. Any participation in the Alternate Route Program process will not grantee you acceptance to the Camden county College Police Academy. All candidates must complete all phases of the ARP process and receive a conditional offer to attend the CCCPA.


Special Law Enforcement Officers are appointed by specific Police Agencies who are hiring for that specific SLEO classification. 特警分为三类. The classifications shall be based upon the duties to be performed by the special law enforcement officer as follows:

(1) Class One. 这类人员应被授权执行日常交通细节, spectator control, and similar duties. 经条例或决议授权者, as appropriate, Class One officers shall have the power to issue summonses for disorderly persons and petty disorderly person offenses, 违反市政条例, 以及违反《全球网络赌博平台》第39条的行为. The use of a firearm by an officer of this class shall be strictly prohibited and a Class One officer shall not be assigned any duties which may require the carrying or use of a firearm.

(2) Class Two. Officers of this class shall be authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, 定期任命全职警务人员.  The use of a firearm by an officer of this class may be authorized only after the officer has been fully certified as successfully completing training as prescribed by the commission.

(3) Class Three. Officers of this class shall be authorized to exercise full powers and duties similar to those of a permanent, 定期任命全职警务人员 while providing security at a public or nonpublic school or a county college on the school or college premises during hours when the public or nonpublic school or county college is normally in session or when it is occupied by public or nonpublic school or county college students or their teachers or professors.  在就业辖区内执勤期间, an officer may respond to offenses or emergencies off school or college grounds if they occur in the officer's presence while traveling to a school facility or county college, but an officer shall not otherwise be dispatched or dedicated to any assignment off school or college property.



Submit a Certificate of Eligibility along with the appropriate VA Form 22-1999 (Side A) to the Veteran Services Office in Taft Hall, Room 303 or via email at va@psozxd.com.


VA Forms 22-1999

获得资格证书, 你需要到退伍军人管理局网站申请福利 www.va.gov.

Note: 如果你在过去使用过这个福利, 您需要通过VA网站填写22-1995或22-5495来更新您的培训地点, www.va.gov,点击“更改当前的教育福利”.”

如果你想参加OJT计划从警察学院毕业后, 退伍军人服务办公室的代表可以和你见面讨论这个项目.

Zaida Nogué
Veteran Services Advisor/SCO
Taft Hall, Room 303